Citi Mastercard credit customers in the U.S. can begin using Citi Pay, a digital wallet that offers seamless payments across channels with card number protection through tokenization. Simply using their existing Citibank online user ID and password, customers will be able to make online and in-app purchases.
Online and in-app purchases will be enabled through Citi integration of Masterpass®, a digital payment platform from Mastercard that will allow customers to checkout using their Citi login at hundreds of thousands of merchants without sharing the card number with the merchant. For Android users, the digital wallet also enables Citi cardholders to make in-store purchases by tapping their Android mobile devices at any NFC-enabled point-of-sale terminal.
The U.S. launch of Citi Pay is the latest in a series of digital payments announcements from the bank. In 2016, Citi Pay launched in Singapore, Australia and Mexico with tap and pay capabilities. This year in the U.S., Citi enabled P2P payments by joining the Zelle Network and announced an industry-leading partnership with PayPal.
Source: Citi
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